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4/4/2010 11:35:49 pm

Well, my site is a bit of a ruin. In the portuguese part I say clearly that this is a nice place of LINKS.
I love linking, what can I do?
I lvoe to use TAROT CARDS to help people to change the gears on their lives.
I have been in England in PAST LIVES before...
In germany and Holland in THSI very life, in Poona, with Tarot Cards for 6 months...
I love that people change their names. jesus did that, I appreciate it also, I love the work of a Woman called Faith Popcorn. Such a strage name for a successfull woman. She has the cryterioum of everybody should change the name entering the office. The funniest or different, the better.
I love making music in
Also in
Ans so on so forth.
I love making esoteric music, mantra music andplenty of music, written or recorded.
I love recording, and painting.
love, and greetings for this lovely place.

4/2/2011 07:45:25 am

really a wonderful blog and I like the page. Thanks.


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